By Nasrin Mani, M.D.
Every now and then, our medical staff comes across a technology that can treat a wide range of cosmetic concerns — successfully, with little down time and with exceptional safety.
That was certainly the case when the Fraxel laser (and similar lasers) came on the market.
In fact, to say these skin resurfacing lasers are revolutionary, as their manufacturers do, is actually not an overstatement.
With the Fraxel, our laser skincare specialists can treat conditions such as:
How do these lasers work to treat so many conditions?The laser targets microscopic zone by microscopic zone, penetrating dermal skin layers and stimulating the upper layers to produce collagen and repair itself. The repair process pushes out the old skin cells and replaces them with new ones.
Thinking your skin could use a serious fresh start? Please discuss your needs with Fraxel and laser resurfacing specialist Dr. Mani today at our La Jolla, California clinic: 800-515-7753.