By Nasrin Mani, M.D.
Cellulite. Every woman (or at least a whopping 90 percent over 30) deals with it. Even many men have those little dimples under the skin.
The good news is that there are some effective options for improving the appearance of cellulite and your overall body shape without surgery, including:
- Collagenase Enzyme Therapy–A process that degenerates and smoothes fibrous tissues. A recent study for this type of therapy showed a 77 percent reduction in the appearance of cellulite after day 1. (Source -Alexander B. Dagum, M.D. and Marie A. Badalamente, Ph.D.)
- Thermage®–This advanced-technology process includes an application of heat and energy pulses that tighten the surface of the skin and improve circulation and tissue health. The therapy can be used for body shaping and contouring, as well, with some patients seeing a reduction in some areas of the body of up to 2 inches.
The two above cellulite treatments, both non-invasive, can be combined for even greater results.
At La Jolla Cosmetic Laser Clinic, Thermage and Enzyme Therapy are two of our signature services. Dr. Mani has received countless awards for her work with patients in this area. Let our expertise benefit you. Please contact our La Jolla, California office today at 800-515-7753.