By Nasrin Mani, M.D.
Sometimes the best methods for maintaining youthful, beautiful skin are right in front of you – or buried in your garden. Edith Pangle, a 62-year-old grandmother, claims her secret to maintaining young-looking skin is snail slime. For at least 15 minutes a week, she lets a handful of snails crawl across her face, neck, and hands. She has been doing this for more than two years and raves about the results.
Pangle said she adopted this method after discovering that many expensive skin creams use snail slime as a primary ingredient. “I can’t afford the expensive cream made from snails in France. That’s when I started collecting the snails and using them.” She said several of her friends also adopted the idea after seeing her results.
While this rather unconventional skin care method may have its benefits, it would be very understandable if you felt that having snails secrete slime as they crawled over your face took your weekly beauty regimen a bit too far. Fortunately, you have other options.
At the La Jolla Cosmetic Laser Clinic, we offer a variety of skin rejuvenation treatments to help you look youthful, radiant, and beautiful. Our ActiveFX/DeepFX CO2 Laser is an excellent option to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles or restore sun damaged skin. Or you can choose from many other skin care rejuvenation methods, including:
During your initial consultation, our skin rejuvenation doctors will recommend the ideal option to help you achieve your goals.
Please contact La Jolla Cosmetic Laser Clinic today to schedule your initial skin rejuvenation consultation. We serve patients in La Jolla, California.