By Nasrin Mani, M.D.
Cold Weather’s Effects on your Skin
The plight of those with sensitive skin or Rosacea is compounded by cold weather and indoor heating. Sensitive skin flushes between the cold air and indoor heat. How do you calm touchy skin and keep the flushes in check?
- Keep your skin moisturized.
- Avoid spicy food and alcohol (both will expand capillaries).
- Sitting by the fire feels good, but give yourself space; those tiny vessels react to direct heat by expanding and the flush is “on”.
- Use a humidifier in your bedroom when you have the heat on. Forced air heat is particularly drying to Rosacea or sensitive skin.
- Don’t forget the sunscreen.
- Visit Dr. McLeod if your Rosacea has gotten out of control. There are RX creams that calm the skin and in some instances simple IPL treatments will seal off tiny broken capillaries quickly. Photo Dynamic Therapy can often help with Rosacea as well.
- Use the right lotions and potions – scent free without acidic pH is best.
- Rosacea can cause breakouts that can be mistaken for acne pimples. Be sure you aren’t treating Rosacea with typical acne medication as it will only make things worse. More about Rosacea