By Nasrin Mani, M.D.
There are a few events in life that seem particularly unfair – One of them is the downward drift of the derriere.
We had a delightful afternoon with a patient recently who was lamenting just those changes. “Here I am paying nearly $300 a pair for designer jeans which are supposed to make me look fabulous, and I’ve got jello in the trunk!”
We’d not heard that analogy before but it was actually pretty accurate. After discussing the “can and can’t do” of Thermage, she decided to go that route and we hooked up the return pad and treated her jello areas. The treatment session turned out to be one of the most fun afternoons we’ve had in a long time. Most all our patients are pretty down-to-earth and this one was in particular. (That’s a big part of why we love this business – we get to meet some really interesting people who have a great sense of humor!)
Thermage is one of those treatments that takes a while to come to full fruition, but this patient felt she was already firmer and more lifted and promised to come by tucked a little more tidily into her designer jeans…
A little toosh-tightening exercise we have on tap called “Red Light” – Each time you stop at a red light in your car, tighten your glutes and hold until the light changes. This gives you an isometric exercise which is amplified by your upper body weight. If you can make it a habit, you will see a difference.
So if your tooshie is behaving more like jello than you’d like, call us and come in for a Thermage consult. Oh, and did we tell you already? We just got notification that we are the Top Thermage Award recipient in San Diego for the 6th time! That means we’re treating more tooshies and faces and tummies than anyone else in town.